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Why We Love These 11 Less Known Social Media Tools (And You Should, Too!)

  • Posted by Socialmbuzz
  • On 16th December 2016
Modern social media marketers use tools alright. But with so many options available on the web, it’s hard to keep track of all useful social media tools. To make sure that you don’t miss out on the amazing social media tools out there, we’ve compiled a list of the lesser known but useful tools. Some […]
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24 Best Online Courses to Learn Digital Marketing For Free

  • Posted by Socialmbuzz
  • On 7th December 2016
Often, we learn from digital marketing blogs written by digital marketers who offer digital marketing services or run digital marketing agencies… and it can get kind of stale. We’re all writing and reading about the same thing, so it becomes this vortex of similar content which makes it hard to understand the basics. Before getting into this vortex though, […]
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Email Marketing: Quick, Easy and Still The Most Efficient

  • Posted by Socialmbuzz
  • On 22nd November 2016
Don’t use big words, they mean so little.  -Oscar Wilde As put by Oscar Wilde, email marketing too runs on a similar concept. A short personalized message which gives us a sense to trust a brand is something which can be achieved only through email.  In today’s ever-changing digital world, email marketing tends to take […]
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Digital Marketing in Real Estate

  • Posted by Socialmbuzz
  • On 13th November 2016
Go Digital.. Get Real! – Growing Importance of Digital Marketing in Real Estate Business Online and Digital Marketing has revolutionized the art of “shopping”. Ranging from the generic daily need items to tech-savvy electronic gadgets, everything is being sold on line. Hassle free and time saving is the new mantra and Real Estate is surely […]
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Dynamic Search Ads to make your PPC efforts simpler!

  • Posted by Socialmbuzz
  • On 13th May 2015
The most important thing about advertising is that it needs to done in a circumspect manner, i.e., you need to stay updated with the developments in the advertising industry lest you lose out on crucial conversions! Even if the losses are not immediately apparent there are definitely going to be relative losses, and your contemporaries […]
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5 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Your Digital Marketing Front Instead of Hiring an In-house Team!

  • Posted by Socialmbuzz
  • On 8th May 2015
Evolving marketing trends involving an increased number of companies bringing their marketing fronts online, combined with the growing demand for versatility in the digital marketing sphere has led to an increased number of companies opting for outsourcing digital marketing responsibilities instead of hiring a team of full time in-house digital marketing professionals! Give below are […]
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How To Create A Bing Ads Campaign In 6 Simple Steps!

  • Posted by Socialmbuzz
  • On 1st May 2015
If you have an online business then you obviously are on the constant lookout for techniques to help you improve your sales and increase your ROI. While content optimization, SEO techniques and slogging hard with your website developing team to develop kickass interactive pages and forms will prove to be excessively useful in targeting more […]
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Know what guarantees greater conversions with A/B Testing!

  • Posted by Socialmbuzz
  • On 29th April 2015
If you’ve been trying to get the hang of digital marketing, you’ve most probably come across the terms “A/B testing” or “Split testing” which claim to help you enhance your conversion rates. In this space we are going to analyze the concept of A/B testing, its benefits and how it works! What is A/B testing? […]
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Native Advertising at a glance!

  • Posted by Socialmbuzz
  • On 28th April 2015
What is Native Advertising? Native Advertising is a form of digital advertising wherein the ad matches the form and function of the platform on which it is advertised. Simplistically put, this means that the content of the advertisement blends with the original content and media on the website. The various formats of native advertising include […]
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